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 Hockey Arena 2025
11:01:25, 13.09.24

We need your ideas!

Prototype of our new Hockey Arena 2025 dashboard! There is still room for improvement artistcally, some minor adjustments for a more bombastic look. Please specific ideas for the improvement of this look.

Your contribution can affect the final appearance of the game! Comment below with your ideas and suggestions..

15:45:13, 13.09.24

looks pretty good overall. Not sure i love the generic black background, just doesn't feel very unique. Also, not sure what 5891 is under kosice bois. Would be nice if there was more than 2 lines of news appearing also. Win bonuses should be in 1,2, or 3 million intervals instead of thousands. Would also be nice to see motivation on the match setup page below and watch it change as you change the inputs. e.g. if you change importance from medium to high, you can see your motivation go from 56% to 87%. Could the top blue banner be a bit more hockey related? kind of looks like an airline app right now.

12:08:55, 15.09.24

Ticket price option is nice addition. I mentioned this some time ago and this exactly what I wished for.

I think design seems fine. But generally design changes won't be a big game changer.

I would love to see some more engagement from community. For example, new way to watch game broadcast.

Live translations where people can join specific game and see game action at same time with other people + maybe chat. Well, theoritically game chat would be great unless people themselves ruin the idea. And game results shouldnt appear for other people until game is end in live broadcast.

Just imagine- 100, maybe more people actually following WC finals live instead of just checking results.

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16:08:55, 15.09.24

I hope you can check the line-up with this dashboard. At least a summary, like position, total AI, energy and form.