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16.03.2023 - Version 5.99

Jersey market
From now on, the jerseys will only be sold separately on the jersey market, meaning that the jersey can no longer be sold together "with the player". A jersey sold with a player will automatically be marked as non-donateable and non-saleable.

You can sell the jersey via the "Send to market" link from the specific jersey screen.

!!! Attention !!!
From now on, when placing a player on the market, all their jerseys will automatically be marked as used, so they can no longer be donated or sold!
Practically, this means that the jersey can only be sold directly through the jersey market and not through the player market.

Change of conditions for donating a jersey:
At least 15 games played per season (previously 5)
Rating in last game 4.0 or less (previously 5.0)
Average time on ice per game at least 19 minutes

We have also tightened the conditions for freezing a player in the market for multiple sales attempts:
More info here


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